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Hey, I'm Lucas. Skater, creator, and entrepreneur...

...Two years ago, my life was pretty typical: school, skating, studying, and repeating. But everything changed when I was 12 and decided to rock some black nail polish. Little did I know, that simple choice would kickstart a journey to not only transform my nails but shake up an entire industry.

I wanted to try something new, only to find the nail polish shopping experience uncomfortable, confusing, and anything but welcoming.

And to top it off, I'd put in the effort to paint my nails and then when I hit my skate ramp, my creation was wrecked in minutes! Frustration led to a chat with my amazing Mum, and dude, I had to make it happen.

It had to be simple, it had to be super-durable, and accessible: everything had to be easy as possible, like it should be! I started by looking at who the customer truly was – me, right then. I started to figure how I could make it real. Not just for myself, but for countless others who felt the same way. And Glossy Boys was born 🤘🏼

I've taken the stage at TEDx to share the impact of rad self-expression.

I've taken the stage at TEDx to share the idea of community and rad self-expression. Join a community of thousands of rad people, become one of the ‘The Glossy Brigade.’ Inspired by the fierce and legendary 80’s skate crew ‘The Bones Brigade'. Being yourself is the key to being truely awesome, join the Glossy Brigade and unboring your world.

Imagine a world where self-expression isn't limited by norms...

...Where your style speaks louder than any words ever could. That's the world I'm inviting you to join me in creating. You’ll find you get compliments, and people will find you just a little more interesting. So join me on this totally rad ride, as we paint the world in colours that refuse to conform, and let's redefine what it means to stand out – and remember, to be rad always, Lucas :))

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